Tuesday, October 30, 2007

This week.

So far everything has been the same as usual. Health class was watching the movie, "Super Size Me" to understand the effects of eating too much fast food. In the weights class, I had the students do plyometrics, and observed the students doing a less than adequate job. The swimming class was somewhat worse today. 10 kids did not dress out, and one of the students had to be taken to the office due to hurling himself at the wall. Overall not a bad day, and I have now surpassed the 30 hour mark.

Monday, October 22, 2007

Last Week

I have been doing the same classes now for some time. In the usual Health class, we had a discussion on suicide and had the students write any stories about friends they know or knew that had contemplated or followed through with it. Very interesting and powerful subject matter that is important to the young students. In the weight lifting class, it was business as usual. The students are more self motivated with the addition of the lifting cards. the swimming class is still kind of struggling. This class is full of freshman, and the students sometimes act inmature. Most of them do not listen to dirtections very well, but it is to be expicted. Overall, my 30 hours are done, but I will continue to go until December.

Tuesday, October 16, 2007


Today was a very good day at Coronado. I did the usual Health class observing, and headed to the gym to observe the weights class. The teacher decided to give the students the option of using a card with specific workouts to target toning or muscle building. The kids were very receptive to this, and I was able to really get in there and help out. I would show the students what each lift did, and answered all questions they had. It was good to be able to help out and teach the kids some new ways of lifting. In the swimming class, things are going much slower. The water is too cold for most of the students, so the class has to be cut short. Hopefully they can get the problem fixed soon.

Wednesday, October 10, 2007

This week.

Yesterday was the start of new classes in gym. the freshman class is now in a five week swimming class. It is very interesting to watch and observe the different levels of swimming ability. Some of the students do well, and others just flat out don't listen to the directions given to them. The weight lifting class is doing ok. I had them do pylometircs yesterday doing 8 sets of box jumps. Some do very well, and work hard at doing the right jump techniques. There are a few that are lazy, and again have a problem following directions. The health class just got over a unit on alcohol, and had a guest speaker with his two sons. A drunk driver slammed into their car, causing one of the sons to loose a leg, and the other son now has severe brain abnormalties. Very interesting and important stuff being taught in this class.

Monday, October 8, 2007

last Week

Well, I was only able to go to Coronado once last week. It was a good time though. As a class, we played Knockout, and everybody enjoyed it. All of the students that I have been around have very different and unique styles of learning. Some are motivated to come to class and participate in all activities, and some are lost in space. Thats part of the challenges that we all must face on our teaching journey. I have now done just under 20 hours of teaching, and plan to continue for the remainder of the year. It will give me more experience for my teaching down the road.