Monday, September 24, 2007

Student Teaching

This last week was kind of slow due to homecoming. On tuesday, I sat in on the Health Class, and listened to an interesting session on drug abuse, and the effects on the body. In the next class, Weightlifting, I had everybody do pull up pretests. Later in the year, all the students will go back and try to beat the origional number they did. the class is pretty good, and most students work hard and keep busy. On friday, I got a chance to watch the bowling class. Now this is not your typical pe class, but it still provides the kids with a chance to get up and move. Most kids in this class show up and go directly into tournaments. Each student pasy 150.00 to participate, so you can bet that they show up to ensure they get their money out of the experience. Overall, the first 10 hours I have done have been very good. I defenatly have learned some techniques I will use in the future.

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